Tuesday, February 16, 2016

An Alternative Automated Fee Calculator without the Referral Link

I posted about a nice tool that automatically opens the FBA fee calculator toot and adds your item to speed things up a bit.

The only problem is that the tool automatically added its own referral link into every link on Amazon so that they got a commission - and took the commission away from your favorite bloggers ;) - even when you weren't actively using the tool.

Here is an alternative chrome extension that does the same thing without adding a referral link:


There are two downsides and three upsides to this tool

1) It takes about a second or two longer than the previous tool
2) It doesn't automatically add the fee for shipping if the item is fulfilled by Merchant so you have to watch for that or you will think your net is lower than it really is
3) It gets you one step further. You will know the final takehome without having to click anything on the fee calculator.  One less click is nice
4) It is more accurate on pricing.  The last tool would sometimes add a random number to the price.
5) Randomly, the other extension wouldn't work.  I have not seen that yet for this extension.

Do you have a better version?  Let me know about it in the comments