Thursday, September 3, 2015

XBox 1TB $399 from Dell with $100 ePromo Gift Card

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Amazon

Update: This may get you banned but if you buy 3 XBoxes you can put the purchase on 2 separate American Express cards and earn the $100 bonus twice if you have it on multiple cards.  Beware of using Discover Deals without a Discover Card.

HT - Slickdeals

The X Box 1TB with Halo Masterchief is on sale at Dell for $399 with a $100 Dell ePromo Gift Card.

This is a nice opportunity under the correct circumstances.

If you have the American Express offers for you of $100 off $599 at Dell, you will save another $100 if you buy 2.

It costs $800 + tax and sells on Amazon for about $400 each and they sell like hot cakes!

Fees are about $33 per XBox so you are pretty much breaking even from the Xboxes after taxes so why would you do this?  For the extras!

Use Discover Deals for 5% off (you can pay with 2 credit cards, one american Express and Discover) for $40 back (and possibly another $40 in 13 months).

You will earn 5% in Dell Advantage Rewards ($40 ePromo Gift Card) and you will earn 2 $100 Dell ePromo Gift Cards for your trouble.  Not too shabby if you can get value out of the ePromo Gift Cards, but that can be difficult.  They expire after 90 days and you may be labeled as a reseller and Dell may no longer issue ePromo Gift Cards to you.