Sunday, September 6, 2015

2% Cashback on Most eBay purchase from Ebates (Up from 1%) - 5% Cashback with Ebates Credit Card

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Ebates

Ebates has increased its payout for eBay purchases to 2% (includes gift card purchases) from 1%.

Clothing, shoes and accessories and healthy and beauty are 5% cashback from eBay.

Unfortunately, electronics, computers and tablets are still only 1%.

Shop at Home is also 2% cashback from eBay so why is this important?  First of all, many people trust Ebates more than Shop at Home, though I have had good experiences with them (I hope to have a review on them later this or next week).  Also, Shop at Home is sometimes 1% back from eBay.

Second is the Ebates credit card.  It only has a $10 sign up bonus, but you earn an additional 3% cashback on all purchases through Ebates (including eBay purchases through PayPal) instead of 2% from your 2% cashback credit card.

I've only used the Ebates credit card two times, one time it tracked and one time it did not.  A quick email got everything straightened out in a few hours.  You can easily see which purchases didn't track.  In your Ebates account it shows all your rewards from your Ebates credit card.  Anything that tracks at 1%, didn't track properly to the credit card and you know you need to send an email.  A little annoying but easy to track.

Don't have an Ebates account?  Please consider signing up from my referral link.