Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bought a Gift Card on eBay and Selling Price Went Down? Wait it Out

eBay can be an excellent source of gift card deals.  The great part about it is that eBay, Forums and Bloggers do a great job telling people when deals are available and when they can be sold for a profit.  The big problem is that eBay, Forums and Bloggers do a great job tellign people when deals are available and when they can be sold for a profit.  This results in a glut of gift cards hitting the market and resell prices plummeting.

My suggestion is that once the gift card comes in the mail, sell it that day before the price drops.  What if you got in on the deal late or you couldn't sell it that day for some reason and now you are stuck with a gift card with lower value?  My recommendation?  Wait it out.

My Example - Chevron Gift Cards

There was a nice opportunity a little while back with Chevron Gift Cards on eBay.  You could break even on the sale, keep your points and eBay Bucks.

I tried to sell my cards to SaveYa immediately but I had already reached my monthly limit with them.  I was having trouble getting them to respond to my Bulk Seller status request until a reader helped me out (thanks!).

In the meantime, the prices dropped and instead of SaveYa and others buying at about 90%, they were buying them at closer to 87%.  Not very good.

So I waited and it's been more than 3 weeks now since the eBay deal came out and the prices are finally back in the 90% range so I sold them today at 90.25%  Not too shabby!

Here is a chart from Gift Card Wiki that shows Chevron inventory and you can see how there was a big increase in the amount of gift cards sold and we have dipped back down at this point.