Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I'm a New Member of Sam's Club and a very YMMV Story!

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Ebates

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This past Sunday I become a new member of Sam's Club and I'm loving it so far.

As readers are well aware of, I became a member due to the $20 off $20 American Express Sam's Club deal.

I bought a Groupon for $45 which is no longer available.  The Groupon came with a $20 Sam's Club gift card as well.

I got 6% cashback from Ebates, which has already tracked at $2.70.  So I really only spent $42.30, but it gets better!

The groupon also came with food vouchers for Rotisserie chicken, 8 cupcakes and salsa.  Valued at $22.98.

I happen to only eat Kosher.  The food vouchers are for items that are not kosher.  I asked the sales associate if I could substitute the food vouchers for food that is kosher and I can eat.

She did me one better, she substituted the food for a Sam's Club gift card for the value of the food and gave me an extra $22 gift card.  Whoa, that's great customer service!

Final Tally 

I paid $42.30 and I received:
1 year of Sam's Club membership and $42 of Sam's Club Gift Cards.

Not too shabby!

I think it goes without saying that this may not happen to you at your local store, but if you only eat kosher, are a vegetarian, have celiac, etc.  It can't hurt to ask for a gift card instead