Monday, March 24, 2014

Use Discover Rewards for Staples Gift Cards and save off Visa Gift Cards!

Discover it® is one of my favorite credit cards.  I don't actually use the card for very much spending, but having the card gives you access to Shop Discover, the Discover Shopping Portal, which sometimes has the best cashback options.

When you redeem Discover cashback you can get better value if you redeem for partner gift cards.  In the past, I have always redeemed for Bed Bath and Beyond gift cards.  $20 in Discover rewards could buy a $25 gift card.

The "problem" is that lately I have been earning Discover money at a far greater pace (see Best Buy and Staples for the details) and I can't possibly use that much Bed Bath and Beyond money.  I felt bad about it, but I started redeeming the money for straight cash.

Recently, Frequent Miler reminded me that Discover money can be redeemed at the same rate for Staples gift cards.  $20 for a $25 gift card.

My brain started churning.  I'm already using Staples Gift Cards to buy Visa Gift Cards.  Now I can recycle the rewards I'm earning to buy Staples gift cards for 20% off using Discover and buy new Visa Gift Card for 20% off!  I have found my new Discover money redemption partner!

With the link above, you will also get a $150 sign up bonus for spending $750 in the first 3 months.