Mastercard is offering free 2 day shipping to select retailers from now to the End of May.
Free 2 day shipping is from,,, and
You will get a statement credit of up to $20 per purchase on 2 day shipping for a maximum of $500 for the 6 months
You can pay $69 for the year and extend the free shipping to Nordstrom, Target, Gap, Sephora and Shutterfly.
Offer not valid Iowa. Sorry guys.
It is a little annoying to get your money. Here is how to do it:
1) Sign in to www.
2) Click on the Store you want to shop at and choose 2 day shipping. You have to pay for the entire purchase with your Mastercard, no gift cards.
3) Email your confirmation to Rebates@
Thank you AS for the tip!
Please note: I couldn't find anything about having to pay after 6 months. Either you just lose your subscription or you will automatically be enrolled in paying for it. Be aware of that so be on top of canceling right before the 6 months are up.
You can also get a 1 year subscription to ShopRunner from American Express for Free.